Tim Hattrup
Agency Principal, CO, NM, NE, E. WY, and Key Accounts
A native of Seattle, Tim grew up fending off Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) by fixing in his mind that rain in Seattle equaled snow at Crystal Mountain. A graduate of the University of Washington in Marketing Communications, Tim was dead set on a career in advertising until he discovered that there were actual people traveling around the region visiting ski shops and talking about skiing — and getting PAID for it. The die was cast. After a couple of digressions into pharmaceutical and technology sales in the 90’s, Tim moved to Boulder in 2000 and started Redline Sports Group in 2001. Tim is an avid skier and cyclist who enjoys hiking and camping with his family. He and his wife, Heather, live in Boulder with their son.
Matt McKay
UT, ID, MT, Western WY
A Salt Lake City native, Matt joined Redline Sports Group in 2012 after graduating from the University of Utah and putting in a solid ten years in retail. He’s also been running around in the outdoors all his life. He still makes time with his family to get out and enjoy camping, backpacking, skiing, mountain biking, fly fishing, Overlanding in his Toyota Tacomas, and traveling whenever and wherever he can. But Matt’s not just another outdoor guy with a "glorious” man bun, he’s an outdoor guy with a glorious man bun and a helicopter pilot’s license! We’re still sorting out how to take advantage of this fact. Stay tuned.
Matt also runs a nonprofit he co-founded called the Brite Blue Foundation. The Brite Blue Foundation provides scholarships to underprivileged children in Guatemala, and 100% of all donations go directly to the students. Check it out at Briteblue.org, hand over some cash, and make the world a little better place.
Katie Copple
Born and raised in the Salt Lake Valley enjoying the many recreation opportunities Utah has to offer, from skiing to rock climbing in the north of the state to mountain biking and hiking in the south. A graduate from Utah State University in Parks and Recreation Management, Katie headed off to New England and was a head park ranger at Elmore State Park in Vermont. After her time in the East, Katie made her way back to Utah and worked many years with the Forest Service, Utah State Parks, and The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. She and her husband and three kiddos now enjoy ranch life on over 7 acres where they breed and train pack llamas for their backpacking and hunting adventures.